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March: Starting March 24th since the gym is closed due to the COVID-19 we will be implementing at home workouts. All athletes who maintain their membership are able to check out equipment to use at home until further notice. 

April: We are still working out from home. Join us April 27th for your first Zoom meeting at 5pm.



May 18th we will be reopening our doors and reestablishing our regular class schedule. The Saturday and Sunday before the gym will be open for those athletes with equipment to recheck it back in. We will be following state regulations in order to be able to open so we ask that everyone washes their hands when they first walk in the door, this includes children, we continue to wipe down equipment and we all stay in our own space. 


May 25th is our "MURPH" day. There is a sign up sheet in the gym if you are interested in purchasing some SWAG. We have women's tanks and mens t-shirts for $20.

June:  As of June 15th we will be renaming the gym to "Siuslaw Strength & Conditioning". In light of all things that have transpired it is best for the gym that we establish ourselves as a community built by hard work and not just one name. We will continue to provide ALL members with a safe place to come and enjoy. 

July: July 4th is a Saturday this year. We will be doing a great team workout so bring your friends and family and join in on the fun. 

August: Our "Functional Food Challenge" starts this month. Don't forget to sign up and get excited to have coach Angela help you create some amazing changes.

September: September 7th is Labor Day. We will be running classes as normal. 

Starting September 14th our class schedule will be changing to accommodate our members who are Distance learning with their children. We will be removing the 9:30am class and adding a 4:30pm class in its place. 


Starting September 14th we will be adding back in our Kids classes. These classes will run Monday and Wednesdays from 4-4:30PM and will be on a monthly schedule. It will be $65 a month and we take ages 6-12. There are limited spots available so sign up ASAP. If we get enough kids interested then we will open up another class.






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